Monday, June 2, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2012 [Eng] Download Torrent

Seeds 111 SeedsPeers 75 Peers
Year: 2012
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans
Director: Marc Webb

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2012 torrent

Review: First off, this is just my opinion, but actually my biggest problem with this film was that it was just a little boring. About 30 minutes, I already knew basically everything important that runs through the film. Now this can in itself provide some might argue, but the moment the movie, I guess I would still love it if I expect some spectacular action. If I had been impressed with scenes of fighting and jumping around is Spiderman I do not think I would have cared how much of a boring story because it is another aspect of redemption. But the action and special effects, the film was ... well ... pretty boring. In fact, the most spectacular visual moments of the entire film, where Spiderman jumps to the top of the mast cell, and it belongs to him, as he saves himself already shown us the trailer. I will not go the fight sequences, but for me it was just never a moment that made my heart race. Finally, the soundtrack was terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible, feeling very out of place in many places, especially on battle between the Lizard and Spider-Man High School. I usually expect a scene like this, which is the Spiderman Lizards and the first real physical confrontation, music to be threatening, but he chooses a very happy and triumphant theme music. Given Spiderman Lizard is not just yell it's own little space. But there is a memorable scene in altercation.So humorous ... it's just a bit boring and not very exciting, so far as movies, I personally liked it more Team, Red, The Avengers, Thor, as the first two Spider Mans (Spiderman 3 was terrrrrrible).

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