Sunday, September 14, 2014

Edge of Tomorrow 2014 Eng

Seeds 146 SeedsPeers 80 Peers
Year: 2014
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
Starring: Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton
Director: Doug Liman

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Edge of Tomorrow 2014 torrent

Review: Edge of Tomorrow (EOT for me) will be the most surprising blockbuster of this year (maybe along with X-Men: Days of Future Past) for doing its job so well that beats every expectation about what it has to offer. A storyline about one man that is shown to us doing the same things every time could be dull. But EOT has a thoughtful script full of turns and fun that entertains and allows to Cruise to do new things inside that particular Groundhog Day.I wont spoil anything because the movie is full of valuable twists, surprisingly good chemistry between Cruise and Emily Blunt (Full Metal B**ch) and it has an involving script aside of the spectacular action sequences. The first one in the movie is totally amazing. But the rest is as that good. The movie clearly develops in the action and the riveting pace. It offers what a great blockbuster should be and it reaches that superb goal.Also Tom Cruise gives his best performance in so many time. Maybe, Im not joking, this is his best performance ever. For the first time he is not doing an smiling hero. He is a coward. He is a scared and inexperienced soldier who has to learn to be more skillful (and to escape from his personal loop) every time he returns to the same day. And Cruise is wonderful in that role. You really dont recognize him. Forget his frequent smiling, his heroic or possible macho topics. This could be a new and groundbreaking role inside his career even if you are not a big fan of him (Im not going as far as saying that this is his best movie or the most enjoyable one of all, but this movie could be one of his best ones too). And when a movie has a star doing his job properly and much better than expected, a great script and a riveting pace (the movie is never boring) the whole concept has the job done. And thats the case of EOT. Also the stellar performances from Bill Paxton and Brendan Gleeson are truly good.In fact Im glad that this one came after Oblivion. That one was good, but this one is different and much better. Dont expect Oblivion 2 or its same style because you will be wrong.Please, trust me and go to the theater to enjoy this wonderful, original and surprising entertainment. It delivers much more than you could expect, delivers the best Cruise (in so many time that I personally think that this is Cruise at his best) and delivers a clever story with a good twist. Enjoy!

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